What’s in a name?

Dickinson poem

I have never been a big reader of poetry; although I enjoy it I just never get round to really dedicating time to it. And something to do with GCSE English and studying poets obsessed with potatoes, childbirth, and death (lots of death) can just put you right off the whole idea for a while.


Yes, the title of my blog is a poem. I went into a bookshop and picked up a couple of books of selected poems by well known writers (Emily Dickinson and Oscar Wilde) in order to begin my reconciliation with the genre. Lo and behold, when thinking about what I would call a new blog, I stumbled across a poem of Emily Dickinson (something that will happen if you look through a book of her work) and fell in love with it. Although the aim of a blog seems to be perfectly at odds with the sentiment of this namesake, I couldn’t help feeling drawn to it – it just expresses so perfectly how I often feel about the world. On the internet I am just another nobody with an opinion, and that seems like a perfectly brilliant way to be. Thus the blog was born, and the rest, as they say, is history.

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